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Welcome on Board

Fist Bump!

We're the Reels on the Bus team, and we're excited you've found us. Our story started over Mexican food when we jokingly noted we could start a production company named after my daughter's favorite song, The Wheels on the Bus. David, the wit, quickly noted it should be Reels on the Bus, and we all immediately agreed.

Shortly after, Jeff decided it was time to stop trying to convince people to make his scripts into movies and do it himself. Maura and I set off on researching micro-budget films and crowd sourcing. Less than a year after that Mexican dinner, we found ourselves wrapping principle photography for our first film, Block Island.

Jeff wrote the script in a matter of months. We started our company. We ran casting calls and hired experienced crew. We ran an indiegogo and social media campaign. We turned our house upside-down as the set for the movie.

Through this journey, we learned how much we love making movies and will continue to find ways to make more. We hope you find our work as interesting as we do. If you want to reach out, please do! Keep coming back to see what we add to our growing portfolio.

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